When do the forecasts get updated?
Please see this page.
What is the file format of the audio file?
You can choose between be a MP3 or WAV file format. The length will always be 30 seconds to avoid cut-off or dead air. You can also turn off the tempo adjustment making your forecast between 25 and 35 seconds long.
Where is Cirrus Forecast available?
Cirrus Forecast is available in English in North America and most other English speaking regions. Other languages may be offered in the future.
Please contact us if you are outside North America and are interested and we will check the availability of Cirrus Forecast in your area.
Where does the weather data come from?
Cirrus Forecast uses multiple weather sources including Weather Data Provided by Visual Crossing.
How do I download my forecasts?
There are three ways you can download your forecast audio files. The first is by installing the Cirrus Forecast Downloader which will run as a Windows Service on a computer at your station. More information can be found here.
The second option is by using a Download URL. This is a unique URL that you can configure your automation software to download from on a specific schedule. This assumes that your automation software supports this. The Download URL is a great option if you are using a cloud service to run your radio station or you don't want to install additional software.
The third way is by downloading your files manually through our admin web portal as they get updated.
What type of support do you provide?
Technical support is included with your subscription via our Support Center here. We provide support related to your account and the Cirrus Forecast Downloader Software. Please see our Terms of Service for more information.
Why does my location's "Plan active until" date/time not show the end of the month?
Each location's plan expires at the end of the month (11:59pm) using the GMT/UTC timezone. The date/time you are seeing has been adjusted to show the date/time in your timezone set on the "My Profile" page. Locations are re-subscribed using GMT/UTC as well, so you don't have to worry about a location expiring as long as it has an active plan and you have a valid payment method on file.