
Increase revenue by selling sponsored spots that will play at the end of the weather forecast. Have up to four per day or unlimited using our Sponsor Lists.


The maximum length of a sponsor is 175 characters which is approximately 20-25 words.

{info} In order to keep the forecast within 30 seconds, as the sponsor gets longer, the weather forecast will get shorter. Meaning, less details are given or less weather periods are provided in order to accommodate the longer sponsor.


Here are some examples to get you started.

If you don't currently have a sponsor, you could use something like the following:

  • listeners like you
  • listeners like you. If you would like to sponsor this forecast, please call us at 123-456-7890

Other examples:

  • Bob's Pizza. Order online at bobspizza.com
  • Larry's Hardware at 123-456-7890 or larryshardware.com
  • Media Grid LLC, providing consulting in software development and systems architecture specializing in business and SaaS applications. We can be reached at mediagrid.us

If you have issues with a website being pronounced or it is being said too fast, try spelling it out:

  • bob's pizza dot com
  • larry's hardware dot com
  • media grid dot u s

{info} If the tricks above don't work for you, please contact us through Support and we can help you with custom SSML syntax.

Disclaimer: The websites above are examples only. We do not endorse or disapprove of any companies/websites used. Only one exception, our own of course, Media Grid LLC :)

Closing text

Closing text is an option you can configure to change the way the sponsor section of your weather forecast ends.

There are currently two options:

  1. Thank the sponsor for their sponsorship
  2. Thank the listener for listening


The bold sections are what will change.

  • Thank the sponsor for their sponsorship
    • This weather forecast is sponsored by Bob's Pizza. Thank you for your continued support on Cirrus Forecast Radio.
    • This forecast is sponsored by Bob's Pizza. Thank you for supporting Cirrus Forecast Radio.
  • Thank the listener for listening
    • This weather forecast is sponsored by Bob's Pizza. Thank you for listening to Cirrus Forecast Radio.
    • This forecast is sponsored by Bob's Pizza. Thank you for tuning into Cirrus Forecast Radio.

{info} Please note that the closing text examples above are not inclusive. There are several different wording options used in order to give some variation between weather forecasts.